Top 5 tips for better sleep

So, I thought we would focus on helping us get a better nights sleep - it seems to be something that a lot of people struggle with! Nowadays we are so busy every day in our lives trying to get everything done as quickly as we can, most people are running on so much adrenaline they almost don't even know how to 'relax' or take it slow! This can have a huge impact on our overall health but also our nervous systems ability to adapt.

Another impact of always being "in a rush" has on our health is a lot of people are suffering from adrenal fatigue. The adrenal glands sit on top of the kidneys and are responsible for the hormones adrenaline & noradrenaline - these hormones are released in response to stress ('fight or flight response'). Some of the symptoms associated with this is fatigue, body aches, nervousness, sleep disturbances & digestive issues. So as you can see, something as 'simple' as stress can have a huge impact on several of our bodies organ systems. So lets talk about how we can help calm or nervous system down, which will also help us have a better nights sleep.

Regular chiropractic care

Of course we will talk about chiropractic care first! Chiropractic care can impact your sleep in a few different ways...

  • It helps remove misalignments in your spine which can be causing you discomfort when trying to sleep - of course if you are in pain or uncomfortable when trying to rest then you will have trouble falling asleep. So regular chiropractic care will help look after your spine and make sure you don't suffer from these discomforts.

  • As a chiropractor, we have an affect on the nervous system with every adjustment we make. This is because all the nerves that supply information to the organs and muscles in your body exit the spinal cord at different levels in your spine and 'talk' the brain. So with every adjustment we are making sure those connections are free of any interferences from misalignments in the spine, hence better overall health which can impact your sleep in a positive way.

  • The chiropractic adjustments also can help to have a calming effect on your nervous system - helping your body to drop into parasympathetic (rest & digest) instead of staying in your sympathetic nervous system (fight or flight).

Switch off electronics at least 1 hour before bed

  • The blue light from screens and cell phones affects the production of melatonin, which is the hormone that controls your sleep/wake cycle. Reducing the levels of melatonin makes it harder to fall and stay asleep. We try (not always successfully), to keep our bedroom a 'tech-free' zone - by this I mean that I put my mobile on airplane mode so if I still need it as an alarm then I can without having the radiation next to me.

  • The electromagnetic fields produced by mobile phones are classified by the International Agency for Research on Cancer as possibly carcinogenic to humans! Hence why if we can reduce some of it we should try to do what we can. A number of studies have also investigated the effects of radio-frequency fields on brain electrical activity, cognitive function, sleep, heart rate and blood pressure in volunteers.

  • DO THIS: put your phone on 'night mode' from 7pm so the light is more dim, you can also buy specific glasses (orange-tinted) to wear at night that block out the blue light.

Dim the lights in your home between 6-7pm -

  • This is for similar reasons as the above tip - At night, the bright light throws the body's biological clock out of whack!

  • Blue wavelengths (most normal lights in your home) are beneficial during daylight hours because they boost attention, reaction times, and mood, but they are the most disruptive in the evenings.

  • We like to use salt lamps as our lighting in the evenings, it is such a beautiful, calming lighting that makes your home feel very 'cosy' and ready for sleep!

  • DO THIS: Dim all the lights in your home from 7pm, use salt lamps if you have them. If you have them, wear your blue light blocking glasses in the evening whilst watching tv. (I know most of us will enjoy watching tv at night to 'unwind', so this will at least help with the light issue!)

Essential oils for sleep

  • There are quite a few oils that can help calm the mind/body and prepare you for a restful night sleep. I will share a few different blends we use for different benefits that you may find helpful as well...

    • Knock-out sleep blend: Lavender, vetiver, juniper berry, chamomile

    • Deep sleep: Easy air, lavender, balance

    • Safe sleep: Lavender, vetiver, cedarwood

  • These blends we use in our diffuser in our room, often trying to get it on a bit before we come into bed so the room is already 'ready for us' when we step in there.

  • NOTE: The reason for the 'deep sleep' blend including 'Easy Air' is because this blend helps to open up the airways. This is beneficial for a few reasons: Open airways allows more oxygen and reduces the effects of sleep apnea (when your breathing is restricted) - which can result in a broken nights sleep. So we find that easy air can help support this and I have also found it helps with my husbands snoring!

Avoid sugary foods/heavy meals too close to bed time

  • As we all know, eating sugary foods gives you energy and spikes your blood sugar levels - this makes it more difficult to fall asleep at night as its hard to 'switch off'.

  • I would recommend eating most of your carbs around breakfast/lunch - keep your dinners lighter. Try to restrict sweets/desserts in the evenings, of course though I always say life is about balance so every once in a while is fine, but on a general basis avoid it! I would opt for a nice herbal tea instead - a warm drink always makes me sleepy + if its a specific 'relaxing' herbal tea then that is setting you up for a good nights sleep.

Hopefully you can apply some of these tips in your life and experience the benefits!! If you need any help with anything, want to get your hands on some oils (I am happy to send you some samples too so you can experience them for yourself) feel free to contact me, I'm happy to assist where I can. 

Next time I will be sharing some tips with you on how to get the most out of your day - feel energised and have a clear mind so you can attack anything the day throws at you! 

Until next time...


Raspberry Chia Jam


Paleo Waffles