Some frequently asked questions…

Will you crack my back?

We use a variety of different adjusting techniques depending on the needs of the person in front of us. Some people respond better to lower-force techniques, whilst others we might decide need a manual adjustment. This is why we strive to continue adding different techniques to our tool-belt to best support our patients.

Can chiropractic help me with a problem not related to my spine?

Chiropractic care is well known for how it can help people with spinal related problems, things like: lower back pain, neck pain and headaches. These are conditions that are well researched in the literature, and we see amazing results consistently with these conditions.

Interestingly, when people are having their adjustments, they will often report that other parts of their health seems to improve as well. Things like improvements in sleep, digestion, immune system function and energy levels, just to name a few. We also find that our patients report a reduced level of stress and that they can handle the ups and downs of life a whole lot better. Although we don’t have specific research to back this up, these are positive changes that we hear often.

Do I have to take my clothes off?

All of your clothes can stay on. We do suggest that you wear loose fitting comfortable clothing when you visit us so you can move around as easily as possible.

How long will it be before I start to feel better?

This is a common question people have when they first start coming in. Understandably so, people want to know how soon will this happen. We like to focus on two different outcomes, firstly on the person starting to feel an improvement in symptoms, but secondly actually fixing the ‘root cause’ of the problem, which I would argue to say is more important to avoid a reoccurence of the symptom in the future.

Everyone is different, and your rate of healing will depend on lots of things. Some things that can impact this include how long the problem has been there, your lifestyle, your stress levels, your sleep, your nutrition to name a few. This is why we take a thorough history and do a comprehensive exam, as well as prepare a care plan for you that is specific to your situation.

Will I be sore afterwards?

Some people walk away from their adjustment feeling great straight away, whilst others report feeling some soreness - a bit like when you go to the gym and your muscles aren’t quite used to it yet. I always recommend you go for a short walk after the appointment, and to drink lots of water. This helps the body integrate after the adjustment. Most of the time this feeling of slight soreness afterwards only lasts for a short number of visits at the start as the body learns to adapt and change with having regular adjustments.

Why do I need an initial consult and then a care plan visit?

It’s important that we have adequate time to get to know eachother and understand all your goals and get a clear picture of what has brought you in to see us. We take a thorough history and a comprehensive examination is then done after, this helps us get a full picture of what is happening in your body. After your initial consult, we then take all this information and create a care plan that is individually tailored to your needs, at your next visit this is our chance to go through the results with you and discuss our recommendations for you to reach your goals and support your to optimal health.

Do I need x-rays to come in?

At The Nomadic Chiro you do not need to have any scans including x-rays to come and see us. If you have had previous imaging you are more than welcome to bring those results in. If we feel like a more up-to-date image is required then this we will go through that process with you and refer for further imaging.

At what age can someone start getting chiropractic care?

Chiropractic care is safe for people of all ages, even newborn babies (this is where Dr Ina has specialised!). Chiropractic care for infants looks very different to adults. It required extra training and study to be able to assess and adjust babies, and the techniques used are changed to make them safe, gentle and specific.

There was a study released in 2019 by Safer Care Victoria that investigated the safety of chiropractic care for children under 12. They found that in Australia there has never been a serious adverse event reported in the literature or in insurance claims involving the care of a child by a Chiropractor. The evidence of harm is low because Chiropractors modify their techniques to suit the age and developmental stage of the child.

You can read the article here:


Pregnancy Care